Abuilder's plaques

Stainless Builder's Plaque

This stainless version of a New England Boatworks builder's plaque was mounted onboard BELLATRIX, a custom sailing vessel built to ride on deck of Le Grand Bleu, a 370' (114 m) yacht.

Acrylic 'Carbon Fiber' Builder's Plaque

One of many manufactured for New England Boatworks, these striking acrylic builder's plaques sport a smooth surface with graphic and text embedded deep within the acrylic 'carbon fiber' looking base.

Laser Engraved Teak

One of the best materials for a CO2 laser, resilient teak hardwood used throughout the marine environment makes for a handsome plaque.

Ocean Instrumentation, Ltd. - 719 Bulgarmarsh Rd - Tiverton, RI 02878